wtorek, 24 marca 2009

Short story of how I stopped an alien invasion

Have you ever dreamt of visiting another world?
And I don't mean here trip to Australia or even Sosnowiec( sry, this joke is for guys from Silesia only...).
I mean visit to world totaly different than this around you, crazy and full of suprises...more egzotic than you can imagine.
Have ever dreamt of visiting alien planet?

You, know I am almost like sci-fi writer, so this kind of journey always was on top of my "must do" schedule.
So when I heard about Las Fallas - an event which changes beatiful city of Valencia into surrealistic land from another dimension, there was no other option for me - I had to go there.

But what you need to go to another planet?
Especially if you take into account that it's aprox. 400 km away?

Spacerocket, of course.
As me and my Erasmus friends didn't have one those in our possesion we used what what we've had.
I think you know it from my previous letter. Ladies and Gentleman -
meet Justine's Renault 4.

Almost like a spacerocket.

So, we picked up crew of best trained astronauts.
And we headed up for adventure.

Believe me or not, somewhow we managed to reach our destination.
And than it all started...

Right from the beginning, we were surrounded by crowds of alien inhabitants. Some of them were really weird.

But obviously we couldnt expect any different - eventually, they were extraterrestials.
Although the atmoshpere was nice and we were shown hospitality...

...we weren't fooled enough not to feel that something was one the move. It was like preparation to some big event.
Short investigation quickly provided us with frightening conclusions.
We found them collecting ammunition supplies.

Mustering troops.

And preparing transport spacecraft.

This was the time when Everything become clear.
We were facing preparations for Alien invasion on Earth!

So what could we do?

We took cover, pretending we are one of them. We stalked and inflitrated their ranks.

And by the cover of night....we've burnt motherfuckers.

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